birthing together©
is a fresh approach to preparing for birth by making birth into a fun and loving event through sharing and doing things together.

By breathing and moving together and clearing blocks to intimacy and joy, you are able to birth your baby safely with Love and Awareness. Learning how to birth your baby with this Loving Awareness brings freshness, light, strength, support and Love into the birthing environment.
Co- Birthing is about meeting your partner and your baby in the shared place of Love, to birth together. Your partner learns to move and to breathe with you, working together in the same way as you created your baby, the inner expression now expressed in outer form. You learn to connect using the breath or ‘spiritus’ (the Latin for the word breath, from which spirituality is derived). Mothers without partners learn to do this with their baby, learning to birth together, with all the support of Creation at your side.
The aim of this course is for you, your partner and your baby/babies to experience a Loving birth together as Birth partners, with the awareness of the birthing Soul. Mothers, whose partners are not able to attend, can connect and learn with their baby. Birth is a time of great celebration and is an investment for Life!

Every week we practice ‘spiritus’ – the breath. Simple breathing techniques that allow both mother and father to connect with each other and their baby. Through the breath, we can connect and join with each other and be aware of the Loving Presence of life contained within each breath. Each evening has a different focus, which we explore on a physical level, alongside what it represents on a thought and spiritual level. We will practice some useful birth positions, such as squatting and All Fours. We cover the practical aspects of birthing, such as massage and touch. We look at charts and the pelvis and there is other useful information. Acupressure points can be shown if that is of interest to the group. Visualisations, meditations and relaxation form part of the evenings. Over tea and biscuits, we explore a different topic for each evening. I will give you things to practice, which are both loving and fun, between classes.
Week One
Birth in general, the birth environment. Learning to breathe and move.
Week Two
Stage One (the opening of the cervix).
Week Three
The second stage of labour. The cervix is fully open and now the mother and baby are ready to birth.
Week Four
The third stage of labour.
Week Five
The importance of ‘baby moon’ time and the nourishment of each other and your baby after the birth. Breastfeeding and baby-led weaning.
Week Six
An evening for reflection, looking at the choice we have in us to see Birth through the eyes of Love or fear. Birth meditation. There will be time to answer any questions. Mothers, fathers and babies may come to share their birth experiences with us, at the end of class.
Course dates and details
Download the booking form pdf
Private clients in your own home, by arrangement.