birth companion
“Thank you for all your support and positive energy during the birth of our baby.
It will be one of the most special experiences in my life.”
Over the years I have been asked to be present at the births of babies. I love being asked to accompany a woman in this amazing moment in her life. To see her unfold into her womanhood and motherhood is such a joy. If the father is not present, I can help provide support to her and her baby, during the birth. If the father is present I work alongside him, working as a team, together with your midwife. I work by using the love that is present in all of us, as a means by which I can connect to all who are present. When we connect to something that is common to all of us, we can communicate with each other intuitively and deeply. I may breathe with you, suggest postures, and do massage or Acupuncture if it would be helpful. I am sensitive to the need of the father to be fully involved and to respect the presence of your midwife.
I strongly recommend that you attend my Birthing Together© birth preparation course. Not only does this show you both how to birth together as a couple, but it helps me to form a relationship with you. It is also helpful to come for Acupuncture and counselling, as this helps us to get to know each other and I can get a ‘feel’ of your energy and approach to life.
I will discuss with you when you need to call me when you go into labour. This could be anytime during the day or night. I stay with you throughout the labour and birth and only leave when it feels appropriate to do so after you are warm and cosy with your newborn. In the days following the birth, to balance your energy I will come and give you a complementary Acupuncture treatment and we can talk about your birth and it gives me another opportunity to see your baby, which I love! This treatment and “check-in” can be a good idea for anyone post-birth, regardless if they have had Acupuncture or not.
Before you decide to book me for your birth I need to meet with you and your partner. Here I will explain my approach to birth and how I work with you both. It gives us an opportunity to clear any fears around birth that either of you may have or any emotions that are present from a previous birth. I like to bring in the awareness that birth is not only occurring on the physical level, but it is an emotional and spiritual experience as well. I can get to hear about your beliefs and wishes and how best I can hold these for you all during the birth. After this initial meeting, you can then both decide, (together with your baby), if I am the right presence to be at your baby’s birth.
I strongly recommend booking a postnatal doula to help in the first few weeks after the birth. They will help you with breastfeeding, possibly cooking and general care of you and your baby. I can help you find a postnatal doula if you like this idea.
Please contact me if you have further questions and do read the birth stories.
This web page has some interesting information on delayed cutting of the cord.
 “Thank you for helping to keep me where I needed to be.”
” Thank you very much for your support, spirit and engagement! “
“I have been fortunate enough to have worked alongside Amanda. When I attend a birth with Amanda, she creates a unique feeling of calm and serenity. She is able to quietly make everyone feel relaxed and not fearful of the birth process. As a midwife, I do very little when Amanda is around. She has an ethereal way of keeping in touch with the woman who is birthing; it is almost as though she is an extension of the woman. The trust that belongs between the two of them is almost tangible. I try very hard not to break this incredible connection that they have and feel very privileged to be part of this beautiful experience. The respect that Amanda emanates to the woman and her family creates this unique bond that powerfully helps the woman and her baby through a long and exciting journey together. Over the years Amanda has taught me more than books could ever do. She really is ‘with woman’ a true sage femme in all senses of the word.”
Debbie Gowers midwife